Buying a Kayak. REOPENS November '24

Woolverstone Marina, IP9 1AS
Scupper Pro sit-on-tops, fleet boats with NOMAD Sea Kayaking. A selection of sea kayaks tethered for a nights wild camping with NOMAD Sea Kayaking. An expedition sea kayak off Felixstowe Ferry with NOMAD Sea Kayaking. Sea kayaks on a sandy beach in Suffolk with NOMAD Sea Kayaking. Black sit-on-top kayak on trestles.

Buying a Kayak. REOPENS November '24

An overview of boat dynamics & the features one should look for according to the type of paddling you want to do i.e. tidal sea, non tidal rivers, family et cetera.

£44.99 p/seat

There are currently no dates scheduled for this event. Please telephone 01473 - 375 026 for available dates for this event.

New to kayaking? Do you want to buy your first kayak? Confused by the marketing smoke & mirrors online? 

This programme will give you the basic features of sit-on-top, touring & sea kayaks, identifying the key features that are crucial to comfortable & safe paddling for you.

Wether you want to kayak in non-tidal rivers or along an open coastline, you'll receive information that will save you money, time & a lot of aggravation when you realise your pricey kayak is completely unsuitable to your needs.


Launch location

Woolverstone Slipway


Selection of sea kayaks, touring kayaks & sit-on-top kayaks for demonstration.


Parking on site

Additional Notes

This is a land based programme.