Layering; Clothing Systems for Kayakers. REOPENS November '24

Woolverstone Marina, IP9 1AS
Sea kayaker in a black drysuit with NOMAD Sea Kayaking. Lead Guide instructing his group with NOMAD Sea Kayaking. Clothing and equipment for sea kayakers on display. Lead Guide safety briefing his group with NOMAD Sea Kayaking. A sea kayaker balancing on the back deck of his kayak dressed in a drysuit. A sea kayaker dragging his kayak a long way up the beach on an ebb tide.

Layering; Clothing Systems for Kayakers. REOPENS November '24

A detailed breakdown of a layering system & applying the three different systems across the seasons, specific to kayakers at all levels.

£44.99 p/seat

There are currently no dates scheduled for this event. Please telephone 01473 - 375 026 for available dates for this event.

What to wear across four very different seasons with flexibility, dual purpose & budget in mind. A full time guide & coach with over twenty of years experience will share their knowledge of the available clothing systems & their application. An hour of detailed information & useful tips that will save you money & time when you buy your gear, particularly when shopping online. 

You'll receive a list of reliable suppliers that have proven their reliability over almost eighteen years working with NOMAD Sea Kayaking.

Get it right the first time - buy once, buy right!


Launch location

Woolverstone Marina Slipway


All demo equipment provided.


Free on site.

Additional Notes

These are land based sessions, sharing knowledge exclusive & relevant to all forms of kayaking.