Kayak Day Trips

Guided kayaking trips along the Essex & Suffolk coastline suitable for beginner to intermediate paddlers.

Common harbour seals on the Seal Colony Eco Tour by kayak

Seal Colony ECO Tour

Duration: 4-5 hrs. Distance: +/- 8nm. Group Size: 6-12. Guided: Yes. Guide Ratio: 5:1. Incl: Kayak, paddle & buoyancy aid. Skills: Beginner. Fitness: Basic to Mid. Age: 16+

Groups discounts for Seal Colony trip with NOMAD Sea Kayaking.

Seal Colony Eco Tour - COUPLE Discount SAVE 10%!

Duration: 4-5 hrs. Distance: +/- 8nm. Group Size: 6-12. Guided: Yes. Guide Ratio: 5:1. Incl: Kayak, paddle & buoyancy aid. Skills: Beginner. Fitness: Basic to Mid. Age: 16+

COUPLE Discount of 10%!

Stone Point beach overlooking Hanford Water in Essex.

Seal Colony Eco Tour - GROUP Discount SAVE 20%!

Duration: 4-5 hrs. Distance: +/- 8nm. Group Size: 6-12. Guided: Yes. Guide Ratio: 5:1. Incl: Kayak, paddle & buoyancy aid. Skills: Beginner. Fitness: Basic to Mid. Age: 16+

GROUP discount of 20%!

An old wreck on the Discover the Deben guided kayaking trip in Suffolk.

Discover the Deben Kayaking Trip

A relaxing & easy trip for beginners on sit-on-top and touring kayaks in good weather & a following tide in both directions.

Sea kayaker on a red sit-on-top kayak with NOMAD Sea Kayaking.

Explore Kayaking

Duration: 1.5 hrs. Distance: +/- 2nm. Group Size: 6-12. Guided: Yes. Guide Ratio: 6:1. Incl: Kayak, paddle & buoyancy aid. Skills: Beginner. Fitness: Basic. Age: 16+

Commercial dredger sailing up the Orwell estuary on the Explore Kayaking guided trip with NOMAD Sea Kayaking.

Explore Kayaking - Couple DISCOUNT Save 15%!

Duration: 1.5 hrs. Distance: +/- 2nm. Group Size: 6-12. Guided: Yes. Guide Ratio: 6:1. Incl: Kayak, paddle & buoyancy aid. Skills: Beginner. Fitness: Basic. Age: 16+

SAVE 15% on a COUPLE booking!

Kayaker on the Orwell estuary with NOMAD Sea Kayaking.

Explore Kayaking - Group DISCOUNT Save 29%!

SAVE 17% on the full retail price with this GROUP discount!

Celtic paddles with NOMAD Sea Kayaking

Sea Kayaking 4 Sea Kayakers (Day Trip)

A guided day trip for competent (but not necessarily skilled) sea kayakers in touring kayaks & sea kayaks. Fitness required to paddle approximately 12 miles. Sea kayaks & touring kayaks available when booking.