Blog; Thoughts, news & tips

3rd January 2022
/ General
The Life Cycle of a Member
During the global financial crisis in 2008, NOMAD Sea Kayaking launched our Subscriber product, commonly referred to as Membership. Thirteen years later & its still going strong!

23rd March 2021
/ News
Explore Kayaking!
Introducing our new guided kayaking event, offered with pride by NOMAD Sea Kayaking.

5th February 2021
/ General
New Website Launch 2021
The new website has been some time in the planning & a full year of hard work to implement. We hope it adds value to our guests' experience of NOMAD Sea Kayaking.

28th April 2020
/ News
Social Distancing & Kayaking
A short video about the measures we are taking to keep all of our guests, students, Guides and Coaches safe during COVID.

4th February 2019
/ Video Blog
Clothing for Beginner Kayakers - Layering.
Layering for new kayakers; how to stay warm without spending a fortune!

28th January 2019
/ Video Blog
Paddles for Beginner Kayakers
How do you choose which paddle is right for you as a beginner paddler? Here we try to help answer that question.