Frequently Asked Questions

What You Ought to Know!

This is one of the most informative pages on our website with direct answers to direct questions that most guests don't simply forget to ask.


General Tips

Assign your Seats!

NOMAD Sea Kayaking has a duty of care to all of our guests & is responsible for their well-being whilst in our care. As such, we accept huge liability, both as a company as well as individual Guides under UK criminal law. Therefore, NOMAD Sea Kayaking, cannot & will not take any guest on any event if they have not accepted their invitation & accepted (assigned) their seat/s. This is because by your guest/s accepting your invitation and completing the booking, they accept our terms and conditions of trade & provide the basic information we need to accept liability & take that guest out on an adventure where a level of risk is inherent.  

I’ve made a booking & need to ask a question. Can I just reply to my confirmation email?

All emails from our website are sent from a 'No Reply' email address so please do not reply to these. Don’t worry though as there are plenty of other ways to contact us! 

Telephone is the easiest & quickest way to get an answer to any questions; please keep all calls to business hours of 9.00am - 5pm & try not to leave queries until 24 hours before an event to give you time to prepare. We may all be out on the water & need time to get back to you! Our office number is 01473 - 375 026.

Email us on 

You can also find us on Facebook, InstagramTwitter.

Embrace the Elements.

This is an outdoor experience so embrace the elements. If the wind blows & it rains, look up & enjoy the wind & raindrops on your face. Look around you & enjoy the abundance of wildlife from marine birds on the east coast, seals on our ‘Seal Colony’ trip & the abundance of small mammals, reptiles & insects at your feet, on the beach & around our wild campsites. There is so much to see & experience - embrace it!

Medical Conditions, Phobias & Disabilities.

Please ensure you fully inform us of any medical condition/s, disabilities, phobias or anything that may limit your participation on your chosen event. Don’t expect us to ‘know’ about every medical/mental health condition &/or disability. It is your responsibility to ensure we are fully informed so that we can fully accommodate you & ensure we are prepared. We want you & all of the guests in your group to have a good time & gain value for money.

Don't be abusive or unnecessarily impolite!

Guests pay a fee in exchange for a service, for our expertise & experience & the liability we accept when taking you on an event, in addition to our time & hard work. NOMAD Sea Kayaking offers a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee published on our website. So there is absolutely no reason to abuse any members of NOMAD Sea Kayaking staff, whether by telephone, email or in person. 

We are a Christian company & uphold Christian values. Be kind, be nice or be gone! Abuse of any kind from anyone, regardless of gender (perceived or otherwise), race, social standing, authority (perceived or otherwise) will not be tolerated & NOMAD Sea Kayaking will take every action it can to protect staff & the business as a whole. 

It should be noted that NOMAD Sea Kayaking reserves the right to cancel any booking at its discretion subject to our terms & conditions of trade. Lead Guides also reserve the right to not allow abusive &/or unsafe guests on the water at their discretion.

We work too hard at this to accept any form of abuse, so just don't do it. If you feel 'slighted' or somehow 'short changed', communicate politely & calmly with us & we'll do our very best to help you. PLEASE be polite & reasonable & we'll all get along & play nicely in the sandbox ....... thank you. 

Be Realistic.

Your adventure is outdoors; it may be windy, wet, cold &/or miserable. The Lead Guide may have to make adjustments to the route & duration for safety purposes &/or the enjoyment of our guests. This is simply the nature of our work.

If you don't like our terms & conditions of business, then it's simple; DO NOT BOOK with us! We won't be offended.

Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck ....... its a duck!

COVID-19 & Social Distancing.

As of April 2023: There are NO RESTRICTIONS in place.

And Finally.

We are a small business with an eighteen year trading history & 100% safety record; there are good reasons for this.

1. Our events are subject to Mother Nature & the ever changing & unpredictable U.K. weather. Occasionally we have no choice but to reschedule an event. Please work with us, understand that we want to get you on the water at the earliest opportunity & have patience!

2. We want to please our customers with the best event we can offer & as a result, the quality of YOUR experience is important. You wouldn't expect anything less.

3. Our event Leaders are not expected to risk their lives or their personal liberty to suit the personal diaries of our customers.

4. After fourteen days (14), we do not give refunds! Get it? We're a business & NOT a money exchange. We work to make a living & we do not bend to bullying & unreasonable demands. Just don't bother.

We are a Christian business & we love what we do. We love you & we always do what is right, even if that doesn't meet the messed up value system of the strange world we live in now. If you don't like our Terms & Conditions of Trade, then it's simple; don't with us! We won't be offended.