Blog; Thoughts, news & tips

/storage/A sunflower with bright sunshine and a blue sky.
15th September 2021 / Environment

Our Haven for Nature

Join us as we explore the area we plan to create our Haven for Nature.

10th August 2021 / Environment

Offset Your CO2 Footprint!

Every event has had a CO2 calculation made for each guest, for that event & built into our website booking process.

2nd August 2021 / General

Paddle Park that Paddle!

Where & how to store your paddle securely when doing recoveries.

22nd July 2021 / Equipment & Clothing

Storage Problems!

 Having trouble storing your kayak? Here are FOUR simple ways to store your baby safely.

8th July 2021 / General

Use It or Lose It!

Use your buoyancy aid OR you could lose your life! 

/storage/This Girl Can, female sea kayaker on the beach with her sea kayak.
21st May 2021 / Equipment & Clothing


Ladies, if you're considering Sea Kayaking but put off by the thought of carrying a large sea kayak on your car, don't be. If THIS GIRL CAN, so can you!

/storage/Beach cleaning by kayak event
18th May 2021 / Environment

Help Us Help The Environment!

This is a sponsored event so get your finger out peeps!

/storage/Plastic bottles on a beach with volunteer refuse collectors in the background.
6th May 2021 / Environment

NOMAD Community Projects Beach Clean by Kayak '21

Our first beach clean of the 2021 season and 77 kilos of rubbish collected!

/storage/Dashboard page on for the website NOMAD Sea Kayaking.
13th April 2021 / General

Assign It or Lose It!

Assign it or lose it! You've made your booking, now you need to tell us who you have booked for. If you don't, they don't go!

23rd March 2021 / General

Explore Kayaking!

Introducing our new guided kayaking event, offered with pride by NOMAD Sea Kayaking.

/storage/Looking up towards the tree canopy against a blue sky.
22nd March 2021 / Environment

Sixteen Tennis Courts of Trees!!

NOMAD Community Projects is planting 420 saplings with the help of our volunteers on land in Clopton, Suffolk. This is part of our strategy of offsetting carbon emissions through active rewilding.

1st March 2021 / General

New Website & COVID Scheduling

A short (or as short as we can make it!) update about booking & some features of the NEW NOMAD Sea Kayaking website & how we are scheduling events as we come out of the COVID ‘Lockdown’.

/storage/Sunrise over a bramble patch in Suffolk.
18th February 2021 / Environment

Rewilding Britain

People may think we already have plenty of wildland, but in fact, our National Parks and AONBs are not particularly valuable for nature conservation in the current state.

/storage/Flooded fields due to loss of trees & hedges.
8th February 2021 / General

Dying to get out on the water!

The dangers of paddling in winter rain & snowmelt.

/storage/Home page of the new web site showing matching orange kayaks lined up on a shingle beach with blue skies in the background.
5th February 2021 / General

New Website Launch 2021

The new website has been some time in the planning & a full year of hard work to implement. We hope it adds value to our guests' experience of NOMAD Sea Kayaking.

/storage/Aerial view of a beach with two kayaks on it
14th July 2020 / General

Wild Camp Kayaking!

Kayak and Wild Camp site early morning reveal ... 

/storage/Wood fire beach wild camping Dorset Jurassic coast
7th May 2020 / General


Holidaying at home in the UK has never been more cool! You will be amazed at what you’ve been missing that’s right here on your doorstep.

/storage/Group with kayaks posing NSK YouTube Channel
18th September 2018 / General

NSK YouTube Channel

A short unscripted video introducing our YouTube channel